How to Renew a Driver's Licence in South Africa

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Hi, I was at the Centurion branch this morning from 07:00 to 12:00. I am one of them. Looks like the backlog from the recent strike is still a very big issue. My question is simple since when do you have to provide marriage certificates to renew a drivers license when already in possession of a drivers license and new smart ID.

Renewing your driving licence Your credit card driving licence is only valid for five years and needs to be renewed before the expiry date, which appears on your licence. The process: get the form from the front desk, complete and return it to the same desk with copy of ID, copy of old ID if applicable and copy of marriage certificate if applicable.

Renew your driver's licence - I have read your block and noted that outstanding fines will not prevent a renewal to be issued. HubPages Traffic Pixel This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site.

I recently had to pay the Road Traffic Inspectorate the dreaded visit to renew my drivers licence and this is an un necessary evil that most South Africans have to endure every 5 years. An A4 copy of ID is required in Edenvale, Johannesburg. Maybe their photocopiers are broken! This needs to be an official document not older than three 3 months that clearly states your address, for example a bank statement, account or utility bill. They do not have pens there. If your licence has already expired you can take out a temp licence for R90. This is not compulsory and you have to ask for the temporary licence at the cashier. A fee of R90 is payable in cash. You can bring these along. There is also a booth at most testing stations that will take the photographs for you. It is around R50 for a set of 4. The Randburg testing centre requires 2x black and white photos for renewal. In Vanderbijlpark only 1 colour photograph is needed. This form can be obtained at the testing centre or online from the eNatis website. Fill out sections A, B and D. One of our readers, Chanel has kindly edited an A3 version of the form. The RTMC will pilot the project in Gauteng and will be rolled out to other provinces in future. Cost: There are no fines or penalties for late renewals! Thanks to Sandy for letting us know! You can access the service at which will have a list of all Gauteng offices. The procedure is the same as described above but you will have to get a temporary licence. Please let us know if this is already implemented in your area in the comments section below. To read more about this, see this article on implementation to be rolled out nationwide. You also have to bring the marriage certificate along as proof that it is your correct surname. Depending on the testing centre you might have to sit in the same queue so this will only save you a few minutes and probably not worth the effort. Take a bottle of water. Colour photos are also accepted here. Cape Town always seems to be ahead of the curve. The licence will be ready in 4 weeks from application. You can also check the status of your driving licence card status by sending your ID number via SMS to 33214. Please leave us a comment below if this article helped you or we missed anything important. Also published an older version of this on. Having done the dreaded 5-yearly task at Bedfordview Gauteng last week, may I add the following: In addition to the original ID, a copy of the ID is also required. The cost November 2017 — Bedfordview is R228. That which is incorporated on the actual driving licence is taken by them at the time of the eye test. Hi Phillip, dankie vir die boodskap! Die lisensiehernuwing kan ongelukkig nie namens iemand gedoen word nie, aangesien die vingerafrukke en foto vir die lisensie op die dag geneem word. Hi Mr Nel, Thanks for your valuable information. My ID was stolen, resulting in a police affidavit. The licence dept will not accept this. So getting a temp ID to get my licence renewed. Will they accept this when I go there, please? I thought of using one of those people who can queue for you etc. I guess that is the cost for convenience. Have been to Pinetown. The queues r downstairs and out the door. I was slapped silly. In my lifetime it has never b such a mess. Called the day b4 to confirm what necessary. No photos and no mention of xtra Cost for temp licence. Nor did I know they closed at 14:00. Or that they only processed 120 a day but I think that has been chucked bcoz of the the huge increase of applications. When I arrived ppl everywhere and one very long queue. Sat for ages until I heard I needed photos. Shiny new machines already broken. One other comment to u however. Thank u for so much information but I would ask u to please keep ur opinions of why ppl get their get eyes tested b4 coming in. I am one of them. I am not a hypochondriac but I do have Autoimmune Disorder. So I now have flu due to one guy coughing without covering his mouth. So cheers to those who do theirs b4 the test. Depending on the testing centre you might have to sit in the same queue so this will only save you a few minutes and probably not worth the effort. It corresponded with the Aarto system I had checked online today as well, to be sure. There was a lot, as my kids cars also in my name. I had to go to another room where I negotiated a settlement of the fines. Flustered and stressed, I went to the bank, drew the cash apparently only cash accepted!! And they were super friendly… Am happy to have my temp licence though — and all within about 90 minutes. What I experienced… 1. Gatekeeper ar reception has a checklist and makes sure you have everything. I had to go take photos. Needed two: 1 for renewal 1 for temp licence even though they also take a digital photo. Needed proof of residence and original ID. Had to do eye test. Had to sign digital signature specimen. Took fingerprints of both hands. Once you pay at cashier you get the temp licence. Hi Louis Taken note of the very valuable information — thanks! My green bar coded ID is probably some 30 years old and has been through the washing machine…nevertheless. Would a passport serve the same purpose? If not would you know if you have to wait for your smart ID to arrive before you can apply for a new licence and temp licence…. Thanks for the help Grant Hi Grant, sorry to hear about the bad service at Westonaria. Oh dear, unfortunately as far as I know you have to use a green barcoded ID or smart ID for identification purposes. Passports are not accepted unfortunately so you will have to wait for the new ID first before proceeding with the licence renewal. Hi Louis, thank you for this, it helps a lot! Do you know of any other place that offers the license renewal, or do I have to go to the actual Dept? My question is simple since when do you have to provide marriage certificates to renew a drivers license when already in possession of a drivers license and new smart ID. There are no penalties for an expired licence. However, they will have you take out a temporary licence as you are an unlicenced driver so take R90 extra for the temp licence as well as 2 black and white ID photographs. You can have them taken in advance at most photo shops but there is also a booth at most testing stations that will take the photographs for you. Hey Louis, Thank you and the other contributors for this info. As usual the government sites provide absolutely no information although there are a lot of photographs of self-important people who have nothing in common with the topic! Which is the most efficient branch? Thanks, Andrea Die blog het my baie gehelp dankie. Ek moes vandag my lisensie wat ses maande gelede reeds verval het in Somerset-Wes hernu. Terwyl ek in die ry wag kom ek toe op die blog af. Die raad was in die kol en ek is in minder as twee ure gehelp en die diens was flink en vriendelik. Die koste was R140 vir die lisensie en R45 vir die tydelike lisensie. Ek het dit saam met my ander dokumente saamgeneem en dit was toe nie nodig dat hulle weer my oë toets nie. Die tydelike lisensie word dadelik uitgereik en die wagtyd vir die nuwe een is ongeveer vier weke. Moenie vergeet om bewys van jou adres saam te neem naas die ander dokumente nie. Heelwat mense moes omdraai omdat hulle dit nie gehad het nie. You can apply for a renewal in any province and get a temp. However, the actual licence will only be ready in about four weeks so you will have to fetch it from the department. Not sure if their logistics can handle you picking it up from another testing centre. Also you can only apply for a temporary license with a normal licence renewal. Hi Marlize, as per another user Martin. Your husband will have to get an affidavit to state that you stay in the same house as him and a copy of your marriage certificate computer generated copy from home affairs. This is a lot of effort. I would recommend if you have a TV licence can also update your TV licence address online on their website, then print a copy of this document and use it as your proof of residence. Hello Louis Baie dankie veraljou ongelooflike moeite! Ek woon en werk nou al vir 5 jaar in Zambia en my lisensie het in 2014 verval toe gaan kry ek sommer n lisensie in Zambia wat wel nog geldig is. Nou is ek trug in SA en immegreeg New Zealand toe oor n maand kan ek my lisensie hernie en dan aansoek doen vir n internasionale lisensie vir New Zealand? En gaan dit beteken dat ek moet 4 weke wag vir my lisensie en dan eers aansoek doen vir my internationale lisensie? Up to date, informed and so willing to share — what a pleasure! He was not informed until we went, out of own accord to collect his new licence after 5 weeks and several phone calls. They did apologise for not telling us at the time of application. They had no record of the outstanding fines, how many or where to obtain such information or how to pay any of the fines once we have reviewed the validity Krugersdorp and Roodepoort Offices. My partner had to start the admin process to apply for renewal all over again…. I will start my application journey next week….. I have read your block and noted that outstanding fines will not prevent a renewal to be issued. I am not aware of any outstanding fines? Hello Louis, thanks a mill for al the helpful advice. I have a question regarding an expired temporary license. I lost my license and applied for a temporary license in Johannesburg earlier last year. And if I apply for a temp now in Johannesburg, can I pick it up in Cape Town? Thanks Hi Richmond, the temp licence is only valid for 6 months so I would assume they would not keep it longer than that. If it is still there it would have expired in any case. Since the Road Traffic Inspectorate does not have integrated logistics from one province to another you have to pick it up from the same testing centre where you applied. Please note I arrived at Centurion branch at 10:35 11 January 2018 just to be closed already. And to add insult to injury a hour later I was given a R1260 fine for my license which expires January 2018. Can someone advise whether it is legal to be fined the same month as the expiry month of the drivers license please? Hi Hardus, sorry to hear about your awful experience. Your licence should be valid right up to the day that it expires. It is not the same everywhere which further adds to the confusion. Another user, Mignon also brought this up after visiting the Krugersdorp and Roodepoort Offices. Please add to this thread if you have any extra info regarding this. Can you please advise me about the following: 1. What are the operating hours at the Florida testing station? What is the best time to go? Being a pensioner of over 70, I am loathe to travel in the early hours of the morning and put my safety at risk, especially as there were stacks of men goading and harrassing me when I arrived this morning. Many thanks, I look forward to your response. Lynette Hi Lynette, sorry to hear about your experience. To answer your questions: 1. Your licence is valid up to the exact date it expires on the licence. The operating hours of the Florida testing station are Monday to Friday, 07:30am — 15:30pm. Looking at the stats on Google, I would say your best bet would be a Monday or a Tuesday around 2pm. Please let us know how your experience went! HI Louis, Just to be clear, I do not need to take my own photos for the permanent licence, only if a temporary licence is required? I will be going in to Randburg for my renewal this week. Does anyone know if they accept online forms? Any helpful info for this particular department will be greatly appreciated. Hi Lucia, that is correct! I suggest you just fill out their forms to save yourself a headache. Hi Lynn, interesting question! Sounds like the photographer has had issues with the flash creating a glare and the eyes not showing up properly. My guess is that the photo without your glasses is fine, as long as you do the eye test at the testing centre with your glasses on it will be noted on your licence. I had to bring a recent id photo, proof of address not older than 3 months this is very serious and the notification letter for renewal of the driving licence from the Traffic Dpt IS NOT accepted as proof of residence even though it is posted to you and R. Hi Louis My licence expired now on the 15th January 2018. I went to renew my licence in december 2017. I did not get a temporary licence. I have white slip proof of payment that i renewed my card. Metro today 23rd jan gave me a fine for expired licence. I showed her the proof that i just need to pick up my card. She gave me a fi e R625. When i went to renew my licence the lady said i wont need a temporary coz stil valid til jan 2018. Im so upset now. What is the law Hi Anya. Sorry to hear about your terrible ordeal. Usually the white slip is enough proof since you went to renew your licence in advance. The lady at the Road Testing Inspectorate was correct in saying that you did not need the temporary licence. Please let us know what happens and whether they scrapped or reduced the fine. How to Renew my Licence Renewal of driving licence card. The temporary licence will be issued immediately. Speaking under correction but they take photos digitally. If this has changed there is definitely a photo booth service on site if you do for some reason need Polaroid photos. Please let us know if anything has changed so we can update the blog. Hi Hardus, options I know of: I would suggest Watloo or Centurion but the full list as per Tshwane municipal website. Licensing Services 227 Andries Str 012 358 7557 2. Waltloo Licensing Services 312 Petroleum Str Waltloo 0 Centurion Licensing services Nellmapius Drive Irene 012 358 7557 Hi. I chose to not get the temp licence and go to Home Affairs instead to apply for my smart ID card. Stood in line for hours and was then told that they were offline. Needless to say, still no application of any sort made….. Is there any way you could post something on how to obtain the smart ID card quickly and without hassle? Hi Ronelle, you can apply for a smart ID through the online process on the DOH website. I did my ID and passport that way and it took 10 minutes waiting and then 3 days later O could collect. I paid using absa and used the Absa Centurion Branch. It is not a bank thing, the DOHA has offices within the bank. Hi Amy I was recently at the Midrand office to renew and the lady in front of me also wanted to have her new license reflect her new married surname which was shown on her ID. She made it all the way to end of the process and when she wanted to pay, the gentleman refused and told her that she would have to bring the marriage certificate. If you have it on hand, I would take it with to avoid being put in that same position. Hi, Firstly thank you so much for this, it is a great help to be able to have everything ready before you go. I live in Johannesburg South. I used to live in Meyerton and getting things there takes less time. Will I be able to renew my drivers licence there even though I no longer live in the area? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I renewed my license at the Vanderbijlpark DLTC on 8 February. You need to take a pen, copy of your ID, copy of your drivers license, proof of residence, 1 colour passport photo and R228. It took about 3 hours. There are vendors there who can do the copies and photos. I have just renewed my licence at Centurion — what a pleasure! Everything done in less than 45 minutes. A most pleasant man with a lovely rich voice directs people at the gate; a pleasant efficient lady directs people inside. As a result people sat in the short queue laughing and chatting to each other. I will be going tomorrow to renew mine, did you go in the morning or early afternoon? I have read that a few people have gone in the early afternoon and have had good success time wise. But i do not want to get caught not being able to renew my licence due to the office closing at 3pm and im not able to be helped. Hi Donovan, I suggest morning but you are welcome to go in the early afternoon. As you say, if you go too late and the queue is too long you might not be helped before there. Tips from my experience this morning at bedfordbiew. This photos is only for the paperwork. A digital photo is taken with your finger prints that gets used for you drivers card. Bring your own pen. They are very strict with their queues, but it works and makes the experience bearable. Eye test is done, regardless if you bring your results from your optometrist. You can pay them at the office. Card facilities available for renewal fee and outstanding fines. R228 for renewal R72 for a temporary Making friends with the people in the queue with you, makes the time go by quickly. Hi Angie, as per another user Martin. Your husband will have to get an affidavit to state that you stay in the same house as him and a copy of your marriage certificate computer generated copy from home affairs to use his Proof Of Residence. This is a lot of effort. I would recommend if you have a TV licence can also update your TV licence address online on their website, then print a copy of this document and use it as your proof of residence. Hi David, I am over 70. Did my renewal at Randburg recently, no medical was asked for. The queue was long, as Randburg are now collecting unpaid traffic fines before they will renew your licence. I wonder if this is legal? I was interested to note that they were happy to use a paypoint for the fines, but the licence fees must be in cash. Altogether a VERY frustrating day wasted in a queue. Thanks for the info, it helped me be prepared! The cost is R228. Make sure you do not have any outstanding fines as they are connected to the national eNatis system and will not issue your licence with any outstanding fines to your name. My drivers license was stolen last year. I do have an affidavit stating this. Monday is the day! Can anybody give me the 101 on Edenvale dept? Or is it better to go to Bedfordview? What a stunning blog! Hi Louis, thank you for this blog, it has given me some great tips, as I need to go an renew my license in April. I would like to know though, if I live in Alberton, but prefer going to Edenvale, would they assist me? I live close to Wadeville and Alberton, but I have heard that the service at these two facilities is terrible. Hi I currently live in Portugal and all my research is leading me to be personally present to renew my drivers license which has expired. I have tried contacting the Embassy here and they are unavailable, bigsurprise, do you maybe have any ideas of feedback for me on how I can go about renewing my license card from Portugal. I would really appreciate your help thanks Hi Candice, as far as I know you have to be physically present to renew your drivers licence. They take your fingerprints so you have to present yourself in person for the renewal. Unfortunately we do not know of another way. With fraud being rampant in the renewal process this seems to be the only way to go about it. I just came back from the Akasia offices. I was in the queue at 06:05 and already about 30 people ahead of me in the queue. Sometime after 7 there was some movement in the queue up ahead. The security guys came out and organised another queue. It was a group of people with A4 forms numbered declaration forms I learned later , they were the people who were not helped the day before. They were let in at abut 08:10, after the people who were there to do the learner drivers tests and appointments. You have to complete your name, id no. I was no 24 on that list. We were let into the building at 9:00. I was out at 10:39! Hi, I was at the Centurion branch this morning from 07:00 to 12:00. They required one photo black or colour for the temporary licence my licence had expired , my ID, the form which they hand out while you wait in the queue , R300 for the licence and the temporary licence and I also took the certificate from the optometrist. Apparently you can now book online at some branches in Pretoria wish I had known before spending 5 hours in the queue — hopefully this can help someone : After looking the info on this site which is fantastic, a tremendous help! I went to the Edenvale Centre yesterday for my licence renewal. A positive experience—unlike elsewhere in the past! Although there was a long queue and some delays initially I arrived at 9:00 am , there was a place inside for people to sit; and after a while pensioners were allowed to come to the front and go through first. There were three people manning the eye-test stations, so we were processed quite quickly. Altogether I was done in 2 hours—compared to 5 last time! Admittedly I benefitted from being a pensioner. Hi Louis, so het ek Vrydag Rossburgh Toetsgronde in Durban aangedurf vir die henuwing van my bestuurslisensie. Ek was al 6:20 in die tou, en my nommer was nr 94. Toue mense het nog na my daar aan gekom. Geen vorms word uitgegee nie, a. Eers as jy binne-in die vertrek ingaan. Daar was net een rekenaar in werking, by die oogtoets — foto -vingerafdruk gedeelte. Nodeloos om te se, ek is eers omtrent 2 uur ingelaat in hierdie vertrek. Maar toe word daar gespark, skieklik is daar 3 rekenaars wat werk, en nie lank daarna 4. Hulle het nog nie die kwota van 150 gemaak nie. As my man nie in die ry gesit het, waar die betalings gemaak moes word nie, het ons seker eers omtrent half vyf daaruit gestap. Ons is half vier daar weg. Vyf jaar gelede het ek my lisensie by die einste gronde hernu, nie so vroeg daar opgedaag nie, en ek het amper by die deur gesit. Hopenlik in vyf jaar se tyd is daar ander sisteme in werking. Hi thank you for this valuable information. I have to go by the end of April to renew mine. I renewed it in Joburg last time but now I work in Kempton Park and would like to renew it in Kempton Park. Thanks so much Louis. However, I read on here someone went to Edenvale and it was a breeze so I think I am heading for Edenvale especially when I read that he never had to pay his fines!!. I have a couple on enforcement order which I believe you can get arrested for! I do intend paying them, well put it this way I have to. I am a pensioner and the sad thing is that they are not mine but families, the cars are all on my name though. Sucker that I am. Hi, Thanks for the very useful info. Double-checking on the lease agreement option: does one need an affidavit from the landlord, or will a current lease agreement with signature of landlord and your signature do the job? This is for KZN probably Marianhill, as it seems a better option than Rossburgh for wait time. Hi Louise, the sight is very helpful thanks for your efforts in helping us. Regarding the Pdp where can we hand in the forms, Centurion? Regards Jack Hi Louis I am almost 70 years of age and my drivers license expires in June 2018. The previous time I experienced problems at the Randburg station as I no longer have any finger prints. Thank you Hi Louis. It seems we will only be able to go back to SA around the first week of August and then apply for the renewal. Is this going to be a problem to apply for the renewal so long after the licence has expired? Do they give one a Grace period? TIA for your reply. Secondly I had an PDP also expired 2014 and I went through all that process with police figure print and payments but I never had a chance to submit it also because of this hospital scenario. ONLY IF YOU ARE THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY can you bring a municipal account less than three months old, which has your name and physical address on it. I am a tenant, and even though I had a letter from my landlord confirming I am living on his property I was still turned away at that point as FICA requirements are as follows: An AFFIDAVIT signed letter not sufficient from the landlord confirming that you are his tenant; A municipal account less than three months old from the landlord reflecting his name and physical address of the premises you are renting. This is exceptionally inconvenient for any landlord to be hassled with. I paid my licence in January valid for 2018 ie the payment is more than three months old. Could somebody please confirm that a TV licence is acceptable? I would so loathe to waste my time again. And then the same waste of productive time to collect these documents. Not sure if it was mention in any of the comments. For license renewal or expired one, if you are not SA citizen, you will need Traffic registration number certificate. More Louis—dankie vir al die inligting—help baie. Ek was vanoggend 06h15 by Rossburgh om my lisensie te hernu en 07h45 kom daar n stem oor die luidspreker en se daar is nie water by die stasie nie en dat ons almal maar moet huis toe gaan want hulle kan nie werk as daar nie water is nie. Omtrent 200 mense moes toe maar loop en weer op n ander dag probeer. I suggest you go in July about a month before your trip. You can have your eyes tested at any optometrist and then submit this at the testing centre. We have found the people who do the eye test in advance often have to sit in the same queue as the eye test so end up waiting. I suggest to save time and money and since you are well ahead of your expiry date to just do it at the testing centre. I visisted the Sandton Marlboro licensing office today. Having read all the feedback I went prepared for the long haul. But, what a pleasant surprise, from arriving the whole process took less than 40 minutes. This section also takes digital phtograph of you where you also sign a virtual pad. From here it was through to Cashiers, which took less than 5 minutes. The price was R228 and R300 if you need a temp license. A certified copy of the ID is not needed, just a copy, but you are required to produce your original ID. In summary and perhaps because I was expecting a 3+ hour process this was a fast and efficient service. Well done Sandton and thank you! AARTO has been successfully tested in Tshwane and Joburg. National AARTO rollout to proceed as soon as the AARTO Amendment Bill is passed. Then all RTI testing centres will be connected to the national fines database and you will not be able to renew your licence without settling your outstanding fines first. Ridiculous really since they take your photo electronically anyway! Thank the Pope I only have to do this performance every 5 years! What is the implication in this regard. Understanding a large fine when stopped in a road block but just upon renewal. Thank you in advance. Have a lovely day. Ek sien jou infrormasie is baie behulpsaam, ek wil net gou iets uitvind. My lisensie en ID was gesteel — ek het n afskrif van my ID , maar ek moet nou my lisensie obviously oor doen. Ek was polisie statsie toe om n verklaaring af te le my woon adress is daarop, dit is gestamp ens, nou is my vraag; Sal hulle dit aanvaar as proof of address? Hi Verochka, Die dokumente wat aanvaar word as Bewys van Adres is baie spesifiek. Dit is gewoonlik state wat na jou adres gepos word. I have applied for my license at the beginning of May 2018 and would be flying to Greece on 14 June 2018. My license expired on 30 May 2018. I have not received my new license yet and I am contemplating to go back and get a temporary license. I am renting a car in Croatia and need a valid license. Can you assist with the following two questions: 1. Can I go back after 4 weeks to get a temporary license which i declined on the day of applying for the renewal and 2. Would Croatia accept my temporary license for car rental purposes? Hi Ettienne, as far as I know you can only apply for a temporary licence with a normal licence renewal application. The actual licence renewal usually takes 4 weeks so it should have arrived at the testing centre where you renewed. Croatia relies on the International Driving Permit IDP and per the AA website you will need to provide your actual licence: Hi Louis Absolute valuable information thanks for your concise and helpful information. I need help as I renewed my license about 6 weeks ago, as it was not expired as yet I did not need a temporary license. I underwent emergency surgery and could only go and get my new license now. Please advise what I can do to get my license without the receipt. Your urgent help welcomed. Hi Yahya, very good questions — firstly, the temp licence is a valid licence so it should be accepted for a car purchase. Please check with the dealership before you initiate the purchase. Secondly, I have no idea why the prices differ between provinces. Maybe another reader can shed some light on this. Hi, Someone gave me a regulation 101 2 a GRN 225 government gazette 20963 of March 200stating. Section 1 of NRTA act 93 of 1996 refered to in Chapter IV Hi Graham, thanks for this very interesting and relevant information. Found a copy of the document: There is another sub clause that states that licence is only valid until you receive your new licence for up to 3 months. That also settles the legal aspect of having to obtain a temporary licence. Regulation 108 6 a Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation 5 a , where a person has applied for a new driving licence card in the manner contemplated in subregulation 5 b on or before the expiry date of the driving licence card held by such person and a driving licence of the person concerned has not been suspended or cancelled, that card shall remain valid until the new driving licence card has been issued in terms of subregulation 3 but not for more than three months after the expiry date of such driving licence card. My drivers license has been expired for more than 10 years, am I still able to apply for a Temporary License? Any advice would be great. Thank you for all the given info. I went to the Randburg Licensing Dept today to renew my drivers. I was really stressed about having any outstanding fines! I then joined the line with about 12 people ahead of me. They opened at 07h30 and what a suprise it was to be assisted so quickly. All in all it took me an hour and forty minutes , got my temp and make a quick exit. Thank You for an interesting read and taking time to respond to every question. So in 2014 her licence card expired and she never renewed it to date. Its 4 years later, is it possible that she can still renew her licence card? Will there be any restrictions because she lost her left arm? Hi Sazi, very interesting question. She can definitely renew her licence even though it is 4 years later. There is no fine for late renewal. There might be restrictions applied to her licence due to her disability. Does she drive a manual or automatic car? I have not had any experience or feedback regarding this issue yet. Maybe some of our other blog readers can help with some advice. She will be able to renew at any department in Gauteng. I went to the Randburg Licensing Dept this afternoon at 1 pm and left at 3. There was a queue but moving. I brought my own black and white photos but were not required at all! You can renew in any province of your choice. You will have to provide a Proof of Address with your new address so that your new licence can reflect this updated address. Hi Louis, Thank you so much for publishing this article, it was incredibly useful for our drivers renewal. They do not have photocopying facilities, so you must take a copy of your drivers and ID cards. Their eye test machine failed my Mum on her eye test, so they told her to go and get a certificate from Specsavers or alike. Mum passed the eye test there with no problems. We then drove back to Camperdown, had to cue again from the start, and then waited a long time to pay too. Total time taken was 5 hours start to finish. We had packed water and food, which was a great suggestion, thank you for that. There is no shaded waiting area outside, so wear sunscreen too! Thanks very much for sharing, I hope my experiences help someone else. This post was very helpful. I went to Langlaagte in Johannesburg this morning 26 Jul 18. The office opens at 7:30am, I got there at 8am and was done by 9am. I needed a temp drivers licence; my 2 colour photos were accepted but black and white seemed to be sufficient as well. Cost: R228 for the renewal and R72 for the temp licence. Took me 5mins to run across road, get the copy and get back. The shop looks quite dodgy but they have a really slick process set up, nothing to be scared of, I was impressed by my experience. The copy place is independent of the traffic department. The process: get the form from the front desk, complete and return it to the same desk with copy of ID, copy of old ID if applicable and copy of marriage certificate if applicable. Then you need to go upstairs to do the eye test, fingerprints and digital photo, quick process. Then wait in another queue to pay and collect your temp licence. The longest wait was to pay. Lots of friendly people around to assist. Just got turned away from Randburg Lic dep for the 2nd time today. This morning we did not have all the required documents and could not, for unexplained reasons, take the green forms with us to complete. My wife is highly pregnant, so I have to stay with her which is already a problem since they only allow the applicant in. She is due in 4 days and wont be able to stand in those queues in her state, her lic expires in November so its a given that it will expire before she can go back. After a futile outburst Yes I know its pointless damnit! An arrogant useless stock standard government employee that is more interested in the detail of the exact time of our arrival that to help us. Her reply to us was that its fine my wife does not need a to drive in the next few months. We can not sit back and allow this decay of an already rotten system. There must be a viable way to protest and force a change? Hi Thandekile, sorry to hear about your job! You will have to take your updated proof of residence with your new address to the testing centre. Any document posted to you like a bill or bank statement. Also, the price is different for each province. I was not seriously hurt but my son came to fetch me and insisted I go for a chest X ray. There were no broken bones however I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer was admitted to hospital for surgery. There were some complications and I spent three months in hospital. During this time my drivers license expired. Unfortunately I the had a stroke and then experienced seizures. However I am on medication for the seizures and have been seizure free since then. I have seen a renewal form for a drivers license which has a section which a doctor can fill if an applicant has suffered from seizures in the past. KINDLY ASDVISE ME ACCORDINGLY. Hi Louis, thank you for the very helpful article. Im planning to go to South Africa upington specifically to renew my licence. I read that you can use a address from a different province to renew your licence. Since I now live in Namibia will my current proof of address in Namibia suffice? I travel between SA and Canada for business and still pay tax in SA so Im also one of those odd cases Hi Louis, I applied for a new licence in April 2018, mine expired on 20 May 2018. After many phone calls, I had to go back and redo my fingerprints on 12 July 2018. My card is still not available because of the strike action. I made an online booking for 8:45, got there on time and was taken straight through to the enquiries desk. You could probably save time by doing this in advance. Weirdly, the cashier gave back my proof of address. I was a bit worried about this but they said to keep my receipt with me and show it to authorities if asked. The cost was R228 and they accepted cards. I found the staff to be pleasant and professional and the atmosphere orderly. I was out of there at 9:30. Hope this is helpful! First of all, thank you for the awesome site — it made the the renewal process totally painless! I visited the Akasia branch in Pretoria last week Monday, armed with the DL form printed on A3 paper, eye test results, copy of my ID and an electronic Edgars statement. My Natis appointment was for 10h20,but I arrived at 9h30. They have reserved two desks for online appointments. As everyone had their eye tests done, it took about 7 minutes to process an application, take fingerprints and a digital photo. After processing, we had to queue with everyone else for payment short queue , and I was out of there just after 10! Thanks again for all the useful info on this site!! Ek moes die week my bestuurders lisensie kaart vervang nadat ek beroof is. Ek voel dis uiters swak dat daar geen konsekwente reëls en regulasies by lisensie kantore landswyd is nie. Hi Louis, did my license renewal in 10 minutes in July 2018 at Bronkhorstspruit. And that is where it went south…the dreaded backlog. Did phone the client service helpline but to no avail. The poor person at the helpdesk know as much as I do about how long the catching up of the back log will take. Methinks I will leave this until such time that they force me to come and collect. They should use their facebook page or e Tshwane to notify us. This has been a most useful sight to read, especially all the comments, they have all helped me tremendously, thank you Louis! You should have pre-printed the form from this website and filled it in while waiting. Hope you get to the front quickly. I agree — the service at Pinetown is shocking. From personal experience — at the eye test room — when we arrived there were 3 people doing eye tests. At 10am two of them left for tea… and never returned! The poor lady manning the room all by herself later never got a tea break. Eventually she got help from a female traffic officer who jumped in to help. Hooray for the people who are still honourable and go above and beyond! Hi Louis Thanks for all the info. This system only started this week 15 October 2018 — defintitly a step in the right direction to avoid the queues hopefully! Appointments can be made You can choose which Licensing Department you want to go to, your date and time according to what is available and what suits you. It would be great if you could update this info on your post — as most people are unlikely to read my comment, and may end up taking time off work to renew their drivers and only find out when they get there that they needed to make an appointment. Thank-you, Saskia Hi Saskia, thanks for the info. According to the FAQ section on the eNatis website it is being tested in Gauteng and, if successful, will be rolled out to all other provinces. The RTMC will pilot the solution in Gauteng and further provinces will be commissioned after consultation with the relevant stakeholders. Currently you can book at any of the registered DTLC sites in Gauteng. It helps a great deal to know what to expect in advance. My son and I went through the process of renewing our drivers licenses at Randburg on the 13th July this year and were told to collect mid August — we went on the 31st August — no licences. We were told that there had been a strike and all applications were delayed and to come back end of September. I was told to call the number on the document I was given to check on the status 011 9195700 and have tried this number over and over again but no-one ever answers. It is well over 90 days since we applied and I am concerned that our applications have fallen through the cracks somehow. Do you perhaps know of some way we can escalate the issue and find out what has happened? Hi Louis — thanks for the guide. I booked via the Natis website to renew my drivers licence this morning at 8H20 in Bedfordview. I was done within 40 mins — a fairly painless experience. Cost was R228, I had an eye test certificate from my optometrist which was accepted , I also needed a copy of my ID in addition to the actual ID book. I did have proof of residence and photos, which were not required or even looked at. The longest delay was actually at the cashier — the rest went really smoothly. They have told me to check back in 3 months if the card is ready for collection — they do not send any notifications. Seems ridiculous that it takes 3 months to print a bit of plastic — when Home Affairs can issue a new passport within a week. Hi Tony, thanks for the great feedback! Some comments on your experience — the fact that they did not check your proof of residence is very worrying. We should be able to pay electronically to ease the congestion at the tellers. Three months is a long time! Looks like the backlog from the recent strike is still a very big issue. Thank you , very informative to the detail, however I just want to mention that i applied for my renewal drivers licence in August as mine was expiring in September. I was told to come in on 24 September to collect and I delayed it for a further 2 weeks. Hour later no joy, today I tried calling the call going to a full inbox, so what am i suppose to do now, cannot keep taking off from work to go there and be told no licence. They also say the old one is valid for 3 months but you must carry the receipt as well. This is getting ridiculous by the day. Thank you Hi Louis, I need to go renew my drivers license…I was wondering if I have to go through this new online Natis system. It seems to be broken. I follow all the checks just to renew my drivers license but then end up on a page where they asking me to book for a drivers test. Could I just go to Randburg or Roodepoort and just go and renew there or do I have to try and do it online. Some people have reportedly been turned away and asked to book online first on the eNatis website. If it continues to be out of order you have no other option but to just pitch up at the testing centre. Hopefully this process will become more concrete in future. Hi Louis, My Drivers license expired in September. I went on Friday morning to Randburg. There were earlier appointments at other centres though. I needed to do mine urgently as the grace period was finishing on Sunday. If you do go on a Saturday get there early. This is what i experienced 1. While standing in the queue someone came round with the green A3 sheet to fill in. You have to fill it in while standing in the queue so take a pen and something to press on. Gatekeeper at reception has a checklist and makes sure you have everything. Needed two photos for the temp licence. They take digital photo for the permanent one. I was not asked for proof of residence but did need original ID and a copy of original ID 5. Had eye test at optometrist so did not have to do eye test at the licensing dept 7. Had to sign digital signature specimen. Took fingerprint of left thumb only for temporary license 9. Once you pay at cashier you get the temp licence.
A new online booking system for driver licence renewals has been launched in Pretoria, and it promises to make your life easier, reports. Licensing Services 227 Andries Str 012 358 7557 2. Although there was a long queue and some delays initially I arrived at 9:00 amthere was a place inside for people to sit; and after a while pensioners were allowed to come to the front and go through first. An arrogant useless stock standard government employee that is more interested in the detail of the exact time of our arrival that to help us. I would really appreciate your help thanks Hi Candice, as far as I know you have to be physically present to renew your drivers licence. My guess is that the photo without your glasses is fine, as long as you do the eye test at the testing centre with your glasses drivers licence renewal sa it will be noted on your licence. Usually the white slip is enough proof since you went to renew your licence in advance. I was out of there at 9:30. En, dankie aan al die ander bloggers vir julle insigte. This is a lot of effort.